
May game

Hello, 1GAMers, frequent visitors and passers-by. It's the month of May! This means it's time for another game. The thought also just entered my mind that I didn't 'review' HTML5 and JavaScript as a means to game development. I must get to that some time.

This month, I will be making an online simultaneous turn based fighting game. Kind of like a mix of Guild Wars 2, DoTA. But on a smaller scale, and only supporting 1v1. Kind of like the battles in Pokémon, but with simultaneous turns. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

Some of the features of the game (which is currently very excitingly called "Duel") are:

  • Lots of characters(*) to choose from, each with different skills and stats
  • Strategic gameplay
  • Highscores to keep track of the best players in the world
  • A native client for Windows and Linux (Mac support might be included)
(*) I've deliberately decided not to call these "heroes", for those people who like playing "antiheroes". I've always found it rather silly that for example Necromancers in Guild Wars, who are drawn to destructive and black magic, were also portrayed as little angels skipping around on a rainbow singing "Let's save the world!"

Since the first 2000 lines of code I have so far are mainly a framework to build the game on, I can't show anything yet. Screenshots will follow later, though! As soon as I've got something to show, it'll appear on here (and I'll notify any followers on Twitter).

Until then!

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